Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

The Media Expose About The Pit Bull As A Monster

As it known as a Pit Bull Dog fighters and pitted anjingpun activity continues in the United States. But in the late 1960s, some dog lovers decided to stop such activities, and in 1970, eventually resulting in the American Dog owner's Association (ADOA) with one purpose and that is to stop the activities of pitting dogs. ADOA is a tool for creating prosperity for pets, while the mass media generally focus more to spread the pictures and commenting about the power of the jaws, bites, and extraordinary muscles, dogs who were arrested by police when the United States exhausted animal after the fight. And the mass media are even less focus on news about who the owner or person who is plunging his dogs into the showdown arena. And this news into Monsters, which the monster named the Pit Bull.
Monsters in the country of Uncle Sam who was known as Freddie, Jason, for example, Frankenstein, Dracula, and other. But the monsters become a figure who endeared by children in America, and in their dress up like Halloween monsters complete with costume. When the media mentioned that Pit Bulls are the monsters with the nickname "bad dog", then later for some people who are happy and proud to be ugliness itself felt that having a Pit Bull will reinforce the impression of particularly harsh over the person. And when the villain (the mafia/gangster) heard the story about the power of mass media bites Pit Bull that is hard is released, they not only believe even they are very enthusiastic about having a Pit Bull. Meanwhile other dog breeds (Pit Bull apart) that had been used as the mascot for the inhumanity of the mafia/gangster, later only kept by a small part of the mafia/gangsters.
Unlike previous times, the history of the past mentioned that dog fighters who aggressively attack people, not even in undesirable kembangbiakan. But the mind is in the mafia/gangster is different, with no knowledge of the genetic breeding of their dogs in vain mengawin silangkan their dogs to have a posture that is larger and more fierce than any other breed. The result is a mixed breed (mixed breed) are proud of that moment and the criminals they tetao named the Pit Bull. They use the dogs to terrorize their enemies, keeping hidden, even drug dogs are used to slow down the police pursuit while doing drugs. Pit Bull that much in silangkan with a Rottweiler, Shepherd and even different types of local (mongrel) dog, it was born is no longer a pure American Pit Bull Terrier. But reporters in his announcement, and in proceedings related to crimes related to dog attacks against humans, they still assume mating results cross-dog (breed/mongrel mix) owned the mafia/gangster is tantamount to a teregristrasi dog.
Currently, the mass media still love Monster called a Pit Bull, indeed ultimately Pit Bull melariskan the sale of the newspaper and the TV audience interest. A few years ago never any news in the New York Post about someone who was attacked and got several bites on his leg by a particular dog breed, the person told the local media, but the local media feel that the less attractive for news reported. Then a few days later by lying that person tell about bite dog dikakinya to the same media, but this time he mentions that the dog that attacked him was a Pit Bull, beyond allegations, three TV stations and four mass media (from the newspaper) sent a reporter to cover immediately and expose the massive news.
The results of mass media coverage about the Pit Bull breed inhumanity resulted in several towns urged the promulgation of laws that prohibit ownership of these breeds. However this was opposed by the American Dog owner's Association (ADOA), the kinologi and the owners of the dogs in General. They feel that if one breed simply banned then don't cover the possibility in the future other breeds may also be prohibited from ownership. Based on the number of cases, specifically the law eventually in revisions and formed a governing law about dogs who allegedly committed acts of attacks against citizens, and the law that applies is the same for all breeds of dogs. Pure breed American Pit Bull Terrier registered by UKC or ADBA, they can show the taste unfortunately to the employer, trustworthy, hard-working, the breed has many capabilities (multi talented). An American Pit Bull trained was very useful, it can control compliance, agility and competes in the interest burden (weight pulling), a Pit Bull can also showed his intelligence and strength. As an additional note that character hospitality Pit Bulls are naturally made him an ideal candidate in the interactions of humans in everyday life. Any adult Pit Bull is still a lot of work as the dog workers (farm dog) fields, plantations, farms in the United States. A Pit Bull is keeping the land, keeping yields at the warehouse, as well as herding the cows even stop-hold cows being herded during the rampage.
An American Pit Bull Terrier has always been a dog that has a strong desire in the heart of the owner. When his employer wants him to fight, no matter even though his opponent was not balanced, Pit Bull will be fighting tooth and nail. Similarly, when the owner wanted it to be a dog that can bring happiness and become a friend of the family in the Middle, that's what he did for his master. There is no other dog breed can do like the Pit Bull is capable of doing.

Sumber : Oleh Roy Pan Durdin (HUMAS Papillon Pit Bull Club) 

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