Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Deviation Of Shape And Character Of The APBT

The true APBT or better known as the American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog fighter, who comes from the land of Ireland, the irish immigrants brought from their countries to the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century. Some leading APBT as Charlies Charlie Aviator loyd Loyd Paddy and Johny Mcdonald gas house dogs (Mcdonaldâ € ™ s grip) is a dog imported directly from Ireland before becoming a popular legend and symbol of might, APBT, like a dog fighter generally, this legendary dog bersize small, more like a mongrel dog stature (tike), unlike the modern APBT, the fighter does not have a field of chestthe blocky head, or big and tall stature of creepy, for the layman, this fighter2 may not enter classification APBT craving novices generally emphasizes quality as well as the flashy appearance size and seram.
There is an animo in our society about size, generally people are more interested with something gigantic-sized regular than usual, the titanic example, super luxury cruise ships, even his own name is derived from the mythological â € ˜ titanâ € ™ a great high giant super strong. So is the case with the APBT, because mimiknya fever as a dog fighter and strongest dog, novices and lay people assume that Pit bull, definitely a great high, dashing and creepy but this great wrong, animo APBT first came from Ireland measures only 25 to 30 pounds, except for the Colbyâ € ™ s Pincher, dog kegendaris born in Newsburryport are 75 pounds or almost 40Kg.
Pincher is the grandson of Charlie Aviator Loyd, an Irish import dogs was brought to America by Charlie Lloyd of England (aka Cockney). So great, he was able to knock down Pincher 24 opponents and no one lawanpun that is able to survive with her in the Pit over time of 40 minutes. Because victory victory written by Pincher dramatic lapses regarding eventual lah shape and character of Pit bull starts, people start to think of â € œAPBT that weighed 25-30 pounds alone was able to drop the opponent 3-4 times bigger than himself, what about the APBT are 2-3kali standard size, surely they would be fabulous again! â € a new fever brings Pincher's victory, a big APBTbersizeto get there is modern American Kennel Kennel who specialize themselves to membiakan dogs bersize massive.
But it would be their kagetnya when they scored APBT APBT-giant, the quality of gameness, and stable disposition even tend to shrink. This happens because of the big size APBT fever makes people forget the land, they were not aware if the quality of gameness lost very easily, especially when this breed in the cross with other breeds, in order to obtain the appearance of dashing, big and spooky, the breeder started putting the blood of American Bulldog, Cane Corso as well as Olde buldogge and other large breeds into the breeding program of APBThasilnya, this formula produces modern APBT, with its massive size but lack of gameness quality. The quality of Gameness not merely measured from the dog, not a grumpy but more on stress on â € œnever give up attitudeâ €, high pain tolerance, as well as stable disopsition or familiarity, it should be emphasized here that the legendary fighter pilots, teddy racine danger, Pincher and Paddy, is a very friendly dog, people will not think behind their cuteness as â € ˜ the family clownâ € ™ anjing2 is a fighter-the fighter tersadis in the Pit.
Characters â € ˜ galakâ € ™ at a stranger is a deviation is wrong on this breed, so did the size which is too over, keep in mind that the APBT is a dog of the terrier group, very uncommon when a terrier reach a size of 50 kg. I am not saying here that the APBT is a anjing2 large bersize deviates from the standard breed them, because in fact, Pincher is itself a large dog, but keep in mind here that the Pincher is not an intersection of the APBT, because big Pincher bersize departs from the blood of a Pilot who is the typical fighter jelas2 Ireland.
Once again the Pincher not lapse, if we ibaratkan humans, sometimes there are parents that only 160 cm in height, thus giving birth to a child whose size 160-170, but in subsequent births could emerge a bigger kid himself from his brothers. Similarly happens to the Pincher, he's are the result of carefull breeding program conducted by Colby, Colby at all, in fact, did not expect the giant dog, due to the inability of the anjing2 in carrying out the fight long distance, where it takes stamina and impulse special. But that is happening now is precisely the establishment of APBT conducted by breeder-breeder as a result of the madness of society will size has become a boomerang, APBT with the size of the loss of stable disposition, stamina, as well as the absolute should be owned by every true fighter.
The breeder who maintains the purity of the APBT has finally moved from the UKC registration (United Kennel club, where this breed was first recognised) to ADBA (American dog breeder association). I beg to say that modern Pit Bulls that are generally large high berperawakan as the dogs fault, because it all depends from which side we judge, UKC people believe that the swelling size that occurs in the modern APBT is common, because the dog is growing, as are other breeds such as the standardization of Boxer's growing danDobermann and renewed each decade, I didn't say this development is badin fact, since the breed Dobermann or Boxer as a result is very positive, but for the people at the ADBA Pit bull, this development is considered as a diversion, because the facts speak that, type changing shape transition APBT APBT towards modern, long has menyusutkan quality characters and gameness, and that wretched again, old type dogs that still carry stock gamebreed, capable of dropping a big size APBT with ease, this is a setback in the APBT world we should prevent together, the quality of gameness and stable disposition is the main quality that should be owned by all American Pit bull, because this is where lies the APBT breed privileges, not size or gamenessnya or seramnya but in the language of Indonesia, also known as simple with the relentlessness of a correct APBT APBT is a kejurang jumping to join the pursuit of huntingHere's the true APBT, courageous and tireless loses.

Sumber  : http://anjingkita.com/wmview.php?ArtID=168

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